I've been poking around Lift for the last few months and one of the
interesting approaches it has is that it can mark "snippets" (roughly the
equivalent of tapestry compoents) as "parallel" - what Lift does w/
snippets that are marked in parallel is that it fires up new threads for
rendering those snippets and waits for all of them to complete before
rendering the page / final output.

Seems like a cool idea - knowing that Tapestry stores its state in
ThreadLocal variables it seems that doing something similar wouldn't be
trivial. Would something similar be possible - e.g. maybe the "child"
threads can inherit the ThreadLocals of the thread that started them ?

Anyway, it's just a curiosity question :-) After spending a considerable
time learning and reading about Lift ( I liked some of the non-traditional
approaches that it takes to building web apps ) , my final conclusion was
that Tapestry's component focused approach was superior ( I was quite
surprised that despite being "view centric" Lift didn't have a way of
coupling the snippet template and the snippet code into a cohesive

Cheers - Alex K

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