Hi, I'm using 5.4 and google is complaining the expiry date for http
headers hasn't been set. I found the following info, but it's still unclear
how to resolve this issue.

Returns a URL that can be passed, unchanged, to the client in order for it
to access the resource. The same value is returned from toString().

Tapestry's built-in asset types (context and classpath) always incorporate
a checksum as part of the path, and alternate implementations are
encouraged to do so as well. In addition, Tapestry ensures that context and
classpath assets have a far-future expires header (to ensure aggressive
caching by the client).

Note that starting in Tapestry 5.4, it is expected that Asset instances
recognize when the underlying Resource's content has changed, and update
the clientURL to reflect the new content's checksum. This wasn't an issue
in earlier releases where the clientURL incorporated a version number.

Finally, starting in 5.4, this value will often be *variant*: the exact URL
returned will depend on whether the underlying resource content is
compressable, whether the current Request
supports compression.

George Christman
P.O. Box 735
Johnstown, New York

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