For 5.4? Use exceptions, not error codes and the new contributable
DefaultExceptionHandler. 5.4 contains a built-in a version of
tapestry-exceptionpage (see,
you can map exceptions to specific pages with context). I've written the
javadocs for 5.4 but I have yet to revise the cwiki documentation (and you
are welcome to help/take charge of that since its your specialty - and
thanks for the 5.3.8 release notes btw).


On Fri, Dec 19, 2014 at 1:54 PM, Bob Harner <> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> Whenever I follow the Error Page Recipe [1] to create custom a error
> response page, everything works fine except that, to my knowledge, the
> page can only have a fixed message. For example, my 403 error page
> always says "Sorry, you can't have that". That's fine, but what if I
> want my error pages to display the more specific underlying message?
> For example, the Java class for one of my app's regular pages has the
> following within an onActivate() method:
>             return new HttpError(500, "The database just blew up");
> which generates the proper 500 response to the container. Now, if I
> have NOT configured a custom error response for status 500 in my
> web.xml then my servlet container (Jetty, currently) dutifully
> displays the specific message (the "reason") that was given:
>             HTTP ERROR 500
>             Problem accessing /foo. Reason:
>             The database just blew up
> But I would really like to make the text of that 3rd line ("The
> database just blew up") visible within my (Tapestry) custom error
> page. Is there any way to get it? I tried injecting the Response
> object but it doesn't seem to contain anything I can use for this. I
> could copy the message to the session before calling return new
> HttpError(....) but -- yuk.
> Thanks!
> [1]
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