Thanks guys, I'll play around with @Startup in the next day or so.

Unfortunately my workflow at the moment is tapestry/hibernate at prototype stage then moves to EJB with JPA when things get serious!

On Sun, 12 Apr 2015 20:36:51 +1000, Kalle Korhonen <> wrote:

Also, if you are using Hibernate or JPA, you should definitely check out for the entity
seeding needs.


On Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 3:26 AM, Charlouze <> wrote:


The tapestry @startup annotation is to be used in modules. The annotated
method will be called upon application startup after the registry setup. If
you need those methods to be called in a specific order, you should
contribute to RegistryStartup.

I hope it'll help you.

Le dim 12 avr. 2015 06:30, Chris Mylonas <> a écrit :

> Hi Tapestry Users,
> Tapestry development is on the horizon again for me and I'm just making
> some tweaks to an app that I'm trying to load in another CMS's iframe!
> After service class instantiation, I'd like to call a method so it does
> something (e.g. create an admin user if none exist)
>      //annotate with tapestry service initlised post runner
>      @PostInjection or @Startup
>      private void createAdminUser(){
>          SubnetsUser u = new SubnetsUser();
>          u.setRole(Role.ADMIN);
>          u.setEmail("");
>          u.setPassword("subnets");
>          save(u);
>      }
> Is this the way?  Doesn't seem to be working at the moment for me
> Thanks
> Chris
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