If your prepareData() is non-blocking, why not just call it right before
you do the token.getData() ? (both in setupRender() )

On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 1:03 PM, Тимур Бухараев <bukhar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> My pages consist page class and several components inside.
> Page and its components needs some information from remote services. I get
> this information with blocking calls in setupRender(). For example, if i
> need user's profile data, i get it like this:
> setupRender() {
>  profileData = loadProfileDate(); // blocking call, waiting for the
> response
> }
> And now i can use profileData in render to show some information.
> The problem is page and components need many remote data, so there are many
> serial requests to remote services. It harms latency, because overall
> latency is sum of serial requests delays.
> I have idea to improve latency, sending requests in parallel. I want make
> non blocking function sendRequest, which returns me token. All components
> call non blocking sendRequest for remote data, then i'll wait in blocking
> call waitResponses(), which wait for all responses.Then component get their
> data from token.
> Some code for illustration:
> MyComponent {
>     @Inject
>     private RemoteService remoteService;
>     private Token<Response> token;
> }
> void prepareData() {
>     token = remoteService.sendRequest(); // non blocking call
> }
> void setupRender() {
>     Response response = token.getData(); // first call is blocking, wait
> for all responses, other calls just return data;
> }
> Why i did not just realize my idea and write this post?
> Because i need two separate phases: first for send request, and second for
> prepare rendering. All componets should send in first phase, and after get
> data in second.
> Tapestry have setupRender and beginRender, but they have another order. It
> call setupRender and beginRender for first component, and then - for
> second. But i need phase 1 calls for all components, then phase 2 call for
> all components.
> And now my question is: is there any way in Tapestry to create this phases?
> Thank you for your attention, sorry for my English.

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