On Tue, 14 Apr 2015 11:08:11 -0300, Тимур Бухараев <bukhar...@gmail.com> wrote:

I don't know how to solve my problem with Future. If you know, explain

That's not a Tapestry-specific question, so I suggest you to find and read tutorials like this: http://java.dzone.com/articles/javautilconcurrentfuture.

ProgressiveDisplay is a solution, but has some disadvantages.

Yep. But it does fit in many situations, so I think it should be an option you have in mind when thinking about specific components.

Now about moving data fetch logic.

The problem is components are independent. Page class doesn't know about
Component classes, component classes don't know about page and other
components. They just embedded in a single tml document. So designer could move component to other place, and it still works. Each component fetches
his own remote data independently. I can cache this data in service, if
some components need same data, so the second component get cached data.
But component is the only place who knows, what data it needs. For example, component displaying user profile. It needs user profile data, and it fetches it. So component is the only thing who knows it need profile data. But i can embed it in any tml in any place.

Ok! Of course, one solution doesn't cover all situations, and the service one doesn't cover yours.

Some time ago there was a discussion about parallel rendering of components in this mailing list. My conclusion of it it's that it can be done, but you have to be extra-extra-extra careful. http://apache-tapestry-mailing-list-archives.1045711.n5.nabble.com/quot-Parallel-quot-component-rendering-td5729024.html. It's a very interesting read, with lots of interesting opinions.

I have one different suggestion now: cache the results of these slow method calls so, the next time you have to make one, you already have the result ready. Of course, caching should be done very carefully, when when it's done, it does wonders for performance and request times.

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Tapestry, Java and Hibernate consultant and developer

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