On 25.12.2015 22:22, Alex Kotchnev wrote:
So, I would be curious to learn from everyone in the community where
Tapestry still fits in the modern world. Is there a particular niche where
a component-based server-side framework like Tapestry still fits very well
? Or does it need to focus on other usages to maybe work better w/ "modern"
approaches for developing web apps ? Where do people in the community use
Tapestry (and it works well) ?

I have witnessed deployment of a critical business application done as HTML5 + Javascript app in such a way that the app offloaded the most of the database to the browser, and then all operations were done fully in the browser. When I asked why, they explained it was very easy to do it thheat way. What about security? Privacy? Reusability? Nah, not important.

As another example, imagine the hypothetical situation that I am searching for a laptop to buy, and am looking to compare offers on 30 different websites.
Even worse, imagine doing that on an average smartphone.
If I have 30 tabs open, I expect to have 30 open html documents, waiting to be read. But, nowadays, each of these 30 websites tries to save some power and offloads some of their processing by handing it to me, via javascript. So, instead I end up with 30 open documents AND 30 Javascript applications, with full or partial data sets, just to be able to read those documents.
Do I really need to be running those Javascript apps? No.
Running them incurs bigger power usage on client side, so while the provider saves on power, my battery will die faster. Even worse, on agregator websites, there are many animated ads that are served via Javascript (or Flash, whatever), which means that I am running few additional Javascript applications per tab.

Because of this, as a client, I praise more those companies that do not force me to run obscure or even libre code on MY computer, so that I am able to see the info on THEIR products. If they have a mode of viewing the products that is highly interactive, let's say 3D interaction with the products, it would be fine, I would opt-in. Otherwise, serve me a regular clean html doc.

The question whether to program that way is not just technical, but sometimes also organizational issues should be considered, even ethical and moral issues.

As a professor, I am teaching the students to analyse carefully the situation, to give focus on understanding and planning for the real user needs (and not programmers' wishes) and to delay the decision on the very technology to use, as late as possible, after they had the time to have few interaction prototypes, understood the users' environment and finally could make an informed decision on the software architecture. I had this very same discussion two weeks ago. The real question is - does the user NEED to run those javascript applications, and if he doesn't - what will you do, what type of architecture will be beneficial for the whole system.

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