In continuation of my research on the topic I placed one button that hardcoded downloads one file. The button is on the form.
So in the function
public boolean activatePage(ComponentResources pageResources, EventContext activationContext, ComponentEventResultProcessor resultProcessor) throws IOException
the following line's resultProcessor :
TrackableComponentEventCallback callback = new ComponentResultProcessorWrapper(resultProcessor);
is of as eclipse reports:
<Proxy for ComponentEventResultProcessor(>

When I try to download a file from the TreeBrowser links the resultProcessor eclipse reports :$1@427301fe seems that when I click the link from the TreeBrowser the download response is not intercepted as expected. Though I didn't use mixin or zones....I don't understand the "ajax" part.

Is it possible someone to know more ?

On 2016-02-12 16:50, h3ph3st0s wrote:
The thing is that I see the tree of directories and files. That's awesome. But to download file really, I need to right click and choose the "save target as....". Then file dialog pops up and I can download really the file to my client disk. If I don't, the response is getting some how lost in the communication since I have error like this: *Communication with the server failed: TypeError: Unable to get property 'redirectURL' of undefined or null *

It seems for me that, the StreamResponse expects something as output, which in the Jumpstart tutorial is there but I can not see it myself. On the other hand I need to trigger somehow this file dialog in order to allow user choose the folder to leave the file.


On 2016-02-12 16:32, Nathan Quirynen wrote:
You mean the file gets downloaded immediately to some download folder?
I think this is a setting of the used browser where a default location has been set opposed to the setting where the browser will always ask for the location.
So I'm afraid you don't really have control over this if I am correct.


On 12/02/16 15:15, h3ph3st0s wrote:

I am new to Tapestry version 5. where I built a treemodel, which presents the files inside the catalog,

/<t:tree t:id="tree" t:model="stuffModel" t:node="treeNode" t:value="classificationNode">
                            <t:if test="treeNode.leaf">
<a t:type="EventLink" t:event="leafSelected" t:context="" t:zone="selectedZone" class="prop:leafClass"
                            <t:if test="!treeNode.leaf">

and by clicking one of the files I build a StreamResponse ( I used the snippet from the jumpstart code ( page: )

The function is :

/public Object onLeafSelected(final String classificationId) {
        final File file = new File( regFile.get(classificationId) );
        return new StreamResponse() {
            InputStream inputStream;

            public void prepareResponse(Response response) {
ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
                try {
                    inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
                    try {
response.setHeader("Content-Length", "" + inputStream.available());
                    catch (IOException e) {
                        // Ignore the exception in this simple example.
                } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

                // Set content length to prevent chunking - see


            public String getContentType() {
                return "text/plain";

            public InputStream getStream() throws IOException {
                return inputStream;

My problem and my question is how do I present a save-file-dialog that will help the user to point the download folder. In order to really download the file I must make right-click and then choose "save file as..." ?

Thanks in advance

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