you cannot expect that your parameters end up as event context (unless you
encode them into your url in that way).

I've had success using:

var url = buildUrl( setupDialogLink, params );
ajax( url, {
success: function(){ ... }

var buildUrl = function( link, params )
    return utils.extendURL( link, { params: JSON.stringify(params) } );

Where ajax/utils are those from t5/core/ajax / t5/core/utils

The handler on the server side looks like this:

handlerName( @RequestParameter( "params" ) JSONObject json )



On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:35 PM, Jochimsen, Janko <> wrote:

> Hello Everybody,
> I do have a problem with the communication between tapestry and java
> Script or to be more precise a JQuery Script.
> As a background Information I am using JQPlot Graphs that work quiet good
> and I can start them from tapestry without problems.
> Now I would like to increase the interaction of these elements by sending
> mouse clicks back to the tapestry system for further use.
> In order to call the plot I use
> public void afterRender() {
>             Link link = resources.createEventLink("Call2", spec);
>             String uri = link.toAbsoluteURI();
>             String output = "Call JS with Parameter:[" + uri + "]";
>   " OUTPUT: " + output);
>             javaScriptSupport.require("myBarRender").with(uri, spec);
>       }
> Where Call2 looks like this:
> public void onCall2(EventContext eventContext) {
>             if (eventContext != null) {
>                   JSONObject value = null;
>                   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
>                   CaptureResultCallback<String> callback = new
> CaptureResultCallback<String>();
>                   resources.triggerEvent(EventConstants.REFRESH, new
> JSONObject[] { value }, callback);
>                   if (callback.getResult() != null) {
>                         Object obj = callback.getResult();
>                         sb.append(" CALLBACK = " + obj.toString() + "..");
>                   } else {
>                         sb.append(" CALLBACK = NULL ");
>                   }
>                   String[] data = eventContext.toStrings();
>                   if (data.length > 0) {
>                         for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
>                               sb.append("data[" + i + "] =" + data);
>                               String s = data[i];
>                               if (s != null) {
>                                    sb.append("content=" + s);
>                               }
>                         }
>                   } else {
>                         sb.append("NO DATA");
>                   }
>         "Got Called from JS with data " +
> sb.toString());
>             } else {
>         "Got Called from JS with data == null");
>             }
>       }
> On the JavaScript-Side the code looks like this
> define([ "jquery" ], function($) {
>       return function(callbackuri, context) {
>             var s1 = [ 2, 6, 7, 10 ];
>             var s2 = [ 7, 5, 3, 2 ];
>             var s3 = [ 14, 9, 3, 8 ];
>             var callback = callbackuri;
>             plot3 = $.jqplot('chart3', [ s1, s2, s3 ], {
>                   stackSeries : true,
>                   captureRightClick : true,
>                   seriesDefaults : {
>                         renderer : $.jqplot.BarRenderer,
>                         rendererOptions : {
>                               highlightMouseDown : true
>                         },
>                         pointLabels : {
>                               show : true
>                         }
>                   }
>             });
>             $('#chart3').bind(
>                         'jqplotDataRightClick',
>                         function(ev, seriesIndex, pointIndex, data) {
>                               console.log("try to reach callback");
>                               //
>                               $.ajax(callback, {
>                                    dataType : 'json',
>                                    type : 'post',
>                                    contentType : 'application/json',
>                                    data : JSON.stringify({
>                                          'action' : 'follow',
>                                          'userid' : '11239528343'
>                                    }),
>                                    success : function(data) {
>                                          console.log("Reached Server got
> back ");
>                                    }
> //                            $.post(callback, $(this).serialize(),
> //                            function(data, textStatus, jQxhr) {
> //                                 console.log("Reached Server got back ");
> //                                 $('#response pre').html(data);
> //
> //                            }, 'text').fail(
> //                            function(jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
> //                                 console.log(errorThrown);
> //                            });
> //
> //                            ev.preventDefault();
>                               });
>                               // Ende ajax
>                         });
>             // Ende Bind
>       }
>       // Ende Main function
> })
> Result: Graph shows up. If I do a right click with the mouse the ajax
> command will be executed. The console in the Tapestry will show that the
> call has been received. The Firefox Console also gives the right feedback.
> BUT.. the EventContext will be a EmptyEventContext Object and therefor all
> data tests that I do will fail. As you can see I also tried a simple $.post
> variation. Also no results.
> Anybody any idea?
> Thanks in advance
> Janko

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