You can bind the button listener on an enclosing element ( document for
example ) or you can bind on one of the zone update events and wire up
things from there (I think i found some tapestry js components that uses a
function called "scan" or "scanner" to initialize dynamically loaded stuff
- there are helpers for the "scanner pattern" in t5/core/dom iirc.

I tend to prefer binding the handlers on the document whenever possible.


On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 7:58 PM, Qbyte Consulting <>

> Hi,
> I have a zone with some conditional content so it doesn't appear when the
> page is initially loaded but is added later when the zone is rerendered
> with a flag set true.
> There is a button in the zone that I need to attach jquery events handling
> functions too from a module. How do I fire the module function each after
> any time the zone is rendered?
> John

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