Hi everybody,

Before starting to code this myself, I'm trying to find out if there already 
exists some component or mixin to apply to the grid to do something similar, or 
if Tapestry has support for this in other ways. Also, any thought about this 
subject would be welcome.

By "bottomless" I mean a grid that doesn't have the GridPager with the page 
numbers the user can click to paginate through the list of rows, and instead it 
has a clickable "Load [N] more rows" element that will append to the currently 
displayed rows the next N rows found in the datasource. Also a clickable 
element to go directly to the end of the list would be useful.

The grid would have its own vertical scrollbar. If the scrollbar itself causes 
the loading of the next rows when scrolling to its bottom, that would be OK and 
in that case I wouldn't need the "Load more rows" clickable element.

There might be more grids in the same page, so each grid must be in its own 
zone and its rows be scrollable independently, without having to scroll the 
page itself.

Thanks for any possible thought.

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