Your problem sounds rather familiar.

Check out the configuration parameter:  tapestry.session-locking-enabled

On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 1:43 AM, Michał Więckowski
<> wrote:
> I've got an issue/question regarding threads in tapesty.
> We have application that is using tapestry. When we updated from 5.3.8 to
> 5.4.3 I've found that ajax request are not handled in separate thread.
> For example: I have a long process that was executed in controller/class.
> However, I've got also a JS script that is generating ajax request for a
> component. In Tapestry 5.3.8 those request were handeled normaly. When I
> switch to 5.4.3 my request are not handeled, unitl my main process from
> controller ends.
> Does anyone know something regarding this behaviour?
> --
> pozdrawiam
> Michał Więckowski

Jonathan Barker

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