UPD: after spending some time debugging I found the place where it’s
actually blocking.

It’s TapestrySessionFactoryImpl.acquireWriteLock() method and,
specifically, this part:


perthreadManager.addThreadCleanupCallback(new Runnable()
    public void run()
        // This is the only way a write lock is unlocked, so no check is needed.

I’m using servlet filter to perform user session authentication, and
ApplicationStateManager to check the current session.
Now, Tapestry’s SessionImpl is like this:

public Object getAttribute(String name)

    return session.getAttribute(name);

Meaning, when I’m retrieving session attribute at the beginning of the
request, the lock won’t be released until the request is completed and
PerThreadManager cleanup is run.

Is that a known issue? Was it made this way for a reason? (I’m on 5.4-beta6
for several reasons).

On Sun, Mar 18, 2018 at 2:30 PM, Ilya Obshadko <xf...@xfyre.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I’m struggling to understand the cause of the following issue:
> - my Tapestry application generates certain PDF files using Apache FOP and
> Saxon
> - when PDF generator process is started, other requests to that instance
> are blocked until it’s finished
> - moving FOP processing to a new thread using ParallelExecutor.invoke()
> doesn’t seem to affect anything
> Any ideas why?
> I had a hypothesis that FOP processing actually blocks the whole thing
> because of AWT usage, but couldn’t find any confirmations yet.
> --
> Ilya Obshadko

Ilya Obshadko

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