Hi Luca,

Component parameters syntax is built about binding expressions [1], i.e.

By default the prefix is "prop:", unless explicitly overridden for specific
parameter [2].

You can find detailed explanation for property expressions, including its
BNF grammar, in official Tapestry documentation [3].

Property expressions are always evaluated in the context of current

It's called "property" expression, because it uses JavaBean-notation
properties (@Property annotation can generate get/set methods around field
at runtime).

So in order for your expression `request.isUserInRole("ADMIN")` to work,
the `request` must be a @Property (or has `getRequest()` method) in your
page/component, i.e.:

Request request;

There are no special cases for the built-in services in the BNF
for property expressions [3].

As others pointed in this thread, the Tapestry way of dealing with your
requirement is to create a new component,
similar to `t:If`, that would accept a role name as it's parameter so you
could render it's body conditionally if user is in role, i.e.:

public class HasRole extends
    @Inject RequestGlobals requestGlobals;
    @Parameter(required=true, defaultPrefix=BindingConstants.LITERAL)
String role;

    protected boolean test()
        return requestGlobals.getHTTPServletRequest().isUserInRole(role);

Above code is almost a copy-paste of tapestry-security's HasRole component

The only difference is this component uses servlet API directly for role
while is tapestry-security is built around Apache Shiro [5],
and provides more advanced security model than simple role model of the
servlet API.

I highly recommend tapestry-security if you need anything more than
built-in servlet API role model.

[3] http://tapestry.apache.org/property-expressions.html
[4] http://www.tynamo.org/tapestry-security+guide/
[5] https://shiro.apache.org

On Sat, Apr 28, 2018 at 1:12 AM, Luca Arzeni <l.arz...@iname.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using tapestry5.4 with java 8.
> I am using the standard servlet API to check if a user is in role or not,
> to hide or show buttons, links, and so on.
> For example, I need to show a button to the user only if the user has been
> granted a role.
> My usual way to to this is:
> 1) create a method in the page, for example:
> @Inject
> RequestGlobals m_requestGlobals;
> public boolean isUserAdmin() {
>         if (m_requestGlobals == null) {
>                 return false;
>         }
>         return m_requestGlobals.isUserInRole("ADMIN");
> }
> 2) then, in the tml, check the method using a t:if component, for example:
> <t:if test="userAdmin">
>                 <a t:id="saveButton" type="button" href="#">SAVE DATA</a>
> </t:if>
> This is not so good, since I must reimplement the same method in many
> pages.
> Is there any way could I access the requestGlobals directly from tml?
> My goql would be to write, directly in the tml, something like:
> <t:if test="request.isuserInRole('ADMIN')">
>         <a t:id="saveButton" type="button" href="#">SAVE DATA</a>
> </t:if>
> Is it possible to do this with tapestry5?
> Thanks in advance,
> larzeni
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Dmitry Gusev

AnjLab Team

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