Hi Guys, I'm working with an older 5.4 application at work that I built a
few years back with Hibernate-Search. Recently management wanted to start
load balancing the app on our own network. This would require replication
and synchronization of the indexes using a master / slave configuration.

Hibernate Search doc shows there examples being used with JBOSS, we do use
tomcat, so I would be required to do some additional work on my end. Doc.

I ran across these two articles.




I'm struggling to understand how to implement the subclass of
AbstractJMSHibernateSearchController in the master application and register
it into the listener queue. Could someone please provide some pointers.?


Last step is to implement a subclass of
*AbstractJMSHibernateSearchController* in the master application. This
class has to register itself as listener to the queue. The code could look
somewhat like this:

   1.                 Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
   // Look up for connection factory & create connection, session
                   ConnectionFactory connectionFactory =
(ConnectionFactory) initCtx.lookup(
   5.                 connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
   6.                 connection.start();
   7.                 javax.jms.Session session = connection.createSession(
   true, 0);
   9.                 // Look up for destination and set listner
   10.                 Queue queue = (Queue) initCtx.lookup(
                   MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(queue);
   12.                 consumer.setMessageListener(this);


George Christman
Senior Engineer

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