
I've written a simple decorator as follows (in my app module):
  public static <T> T decorateTimer(Class<T> serviceInterface, T delegate,
      String serviceId, Logger logger,
      TimerDecorator decorator) {
    return decorator.build(serviceInterface, delegate, serviceId, logger);

With the marker definition as:

@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
public @interface TimeIt {

And here's how I use it:

public class ASpecificManagerImpl implements ASpecificManager {

public void methodA() {...}

public void methodB() {...}

Is there a way to annotate just the specific method? I don't want to time all 
methods...just the ones that have the marker on them?
In the example above; I'd like to decorate (and time) just method A and not B; 
how can I do that? Also how do I get the methodReciever to log the name of the 
specific methodA being timed?

My timing advisor looks like this

  public <T> void addTimingAdvice(MethodAdviceReceiver methodAdviceReceiver, 
Class<T> serviceInterface, Logger logger) {
    MethodAdvice advice = invocation -> {
      long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
      long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
      logger.info(serviceInterface.getName() + " took: " + (end - start) + " 



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