Hi Cezary,
first thanks!
I provided no code, because it is rather straight forward, just an
@SessionAttribute annotated private field, which is a bean implementing
Then this @SetupRender method constructing the bean and filling it's
properties, a form and an onValidate and an onSuccess method. And as I
mentioned the SessionAttribut bean is already in the onValidate methode
null, very strange.
But I will follow your hints and try to figure out whats going on :-)

Regards, Ric

On Tue, Jun 18, 2019 at 9:10 PM Cezary Biernacki <cezary...@gmail.com>

> Hi Ric,
> I suspect that a server-side session is not established for some reason,
> e.g. the browser does not send back the JSESSIONID cookie or something
> invalidates the session. It is hard to tell without any source code
> examples. You can try verify what is happening by putting breakpoints in
> relevant parts of Tapestry. For example, if you use "@SessionAttribute",
> find the SessionAttributeWorker in Tapesty
> (package: org.apache.tapestry5.internal.transform), and set a breakpoint at
> the beginning of the "get()" method of SessionKeyConduit.
> Best regards,
> Cezary
> On Tue, Jun 18, 2019 at 8:23 PM Ric 2000 <erich.gorma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Dear Tapestry users,
> >
> > I face the following problem:
> > In a page I use a simple bean annotated as SessionState or
> SessionAttribute
> > (problem is the same on both).
> > It is initialized in the SetupRender method of the page and in other
> > methods, called from within the SetupRender method, the object is in
> > correct sttae and shows the expected values.
> > But after a form submit triggered in this page, the SessionState or
> > SessionAttribute object is suddenly "null" in the onValidate method of
> this
> > form.
> > How did I see that?
> > The production mode flag is "false", so that I can debug the Tapestry
> > managed objects. When the onValidate method is entered, the SessionState
> or
> > SessionAttributehas still the expeceted state: it is not null and all
> > properties in it are correctly filled.
> > But when the object is "touched" the first time by calling a property
> > getter or setter on it, it is directly "null" and an NPE is thrown when
> > accessing it.
> >
> > The framework version is 5.4.3
> >
> > Do you have any explanations for that? Thanks in advance for your hints!
> >
> > Regards, Ric
> >

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