
I am running into a problem eversince I switched to Tapestry 5.6.0.

When I deploy my web application on a standalone Jetty web server the site's CSS file generates an exception. I've included a screen dump of that exception.  This exception only occurs on my server machine running Jetty version 9.4.31. It does not happen on my development machine when I am using the Jetty maven plugin version 9.4.31. Both my development machine and my server are fine when using Tapestry 5.5.0.

I've modified the server's Jetty logging to include all org.apache related messages by setting the 'org.apache.LEVEL=ALL' in jetty-logging.properties, but unfortunately nothing related to this exception shows up.

Another check I did was to run 'mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose -Dincludes=commons-lang ', but it did not provide any output. (I am not including the tapestry-javadoc dependency)

Perhaps related, if I include the 'tapestry-webresources' dependency I get a 'java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.google.javascript.jscomp.CompilerOptions' error.

Any suggestions where to look?



PS the problem is reproducable by visiting marcelhendinant.com. The site pops up without any CSS applied. Loading the corresponding CSS file using 'http://marcelhendinant.com/assets/ctx/z8e391fe2/css/site.css' the error page shows up.

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