Hi Ben,

Have you considered using Graal Javascript in place of Rhino? It implements the latest ECMAScript spec and also runs nicely on a plain Java 8 VM with minimal dependencies. We have been using Graal for advanced scripting features in our product and are very happy with the fit and finish. The only thing custom we had to develop was an in-memory filesystem implementation to avoid storing files on disk.


emailsig On 9/2/2021 4:42 AM, Ben Weidig wrote:
Hi Jonathan,

just FYI, I've created an issue for updating Rhino and adding a possibility
to configure it.



On Thu, Sep 2, 2021 at 10:26 AM Jonathan Luke Shearman
<jonathan.shear...@albourne.com.invalid> wrote:

Hi Ben,

Thanks for your reply and ideas!
I did try updating Rhino to the latest version - but it didn't fix the
directly, I think to take advantage of the newer features an ES6 version
flag has to be set, and I haven't had time to try and override that in the
tapestry implementation yet.
I'll try out the ResourceTransformer option, maybe that will be easier to


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Weidig <b...@netzgut.net>
Sent: Wednesday, 1 September 2021 10:52 AM
To: Tapestry users <users@tapestry.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Tapestry and Typescript

Hi Jonathan,

I haven't worked with TS in 5.7.2 so far, but I tried to look into it.

The two issues on Rhino's Github are not very helpful...

https://github.com/mozilla/rhino/issues/658 (solved itself somehow)
https://github.com/mozilla/rhino/issues/430 (solved with newer Rhino

Tapestry uses an older Rhino version, have you tried to using the latest
Not sure if it's compatible though without changes in Tapestry itself,

Another option would be writing your own ResourceTransformer to compile
Typescript yourself using a local TSC instead of typescript.js with Rhino.

Maybe someone else has an idea how to integrate Webpack, our JS-setup is
rather simple.


On Wed, Sep 1, 2021 at 9:01 AM Jonathan Luke Shearman
<jonathan.shear...@albourne.com.invalid> wrote:


First post here and I have a feeling it may not be Tapestry related
but wanted to reach out here just in case!

I recently joined a project that has been maintained for a few years
and is currently using Tapestry 5.7.2

Tasked with upgrading some frontend components, I wanted to use
typescript and got it running using the setup in tapestry-webresources
using the Rhino library.

This worked great on my machine and on the web server, but in the last
week some colleagues needed to work on the same code and discovered
that typescript wasn’t getting transpiled on their local setup.

Rhino complains about a “missing name after the . operator” but
references the typescript.js file at line 1467 (exception at the end
of this message) – ie the file used to transpile the other .ts files
as far as I’ve understood.
( Please correct me if I’m mistaken)

I’ve tested this on 8 different colleague machines with only a 50%
success rate unfortunately. We are all running what should be
identical setups, so it’s quite confusing why some don’t work.

It doesn’t seem to depend on node or tsc command line tools, and

Looking into it, I’m thinking it’s some sort of file reading issue –
there are similar issues on Rhino’s github but unresolved there too.

A suggested fix was to change every someObject.delete to
someObject[‘delete’] but I don’t think editing typescript.js is the
right solution here.

The error comes from ‘delete’ being a reserved word in javascript, and
so this is most probably an issue with Rhino’s javascript parser.

I wondered if anyone has ever come across this issue before or might
have some better ideas on what else to check?

And just as more general question – can anyone recommend a better
setup for handling typescript in Tapestry? My next goal is to bring in
npm packages and potentially work on replacing requireJS with
something like webpack, but I’ve seen on previous threads here that
there’s been limited success?

I’ve been considering running npm scripts at Tapestry build time to
‘pre-compile’ all the frontend code in a separate directory and then
hand it back to requireJS by dumping the javascript files into
/modules.. but that feels like overkill.

I’d appreciate any ideas people might have, happy to test anything out
at this point.



Original Exception:

Exception: org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.OperationException

            Message: missing name after . operator

              trace: Streaming compressed module custom-file


TS to JavaScript

                     Creating Rhino executor for source(s)

                     Loading script

Exception: org.mozilla.javascript.EvaluatorException

            Message: missing name after . operator

       columnNumber: 37

         lineNumber: 1467

         lineSource:             class_1.prototype.delete = function



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