Personally - I prefer the 2 apache + 3 tomcat approach.

With 2 apache's you have your needed redundancy. The apaches can also be used to use the many modules for decorating any requests. (Such as mod_headers to add selectively add cache-control headers)

Since the tomcats will probably need more CPU for processing - its easier to add and manage them while not touching the apache servers.

Its also easier to size the servers too since apache and tomcat will not be competing for resources.

If one of the apaches were to fail - you can also designate one of the tomcats to start apache and handle the load / redundancy.


Peter Johnson wrote:
Hi All,

I was discussing with someone two common system architectures for a web application environment and thought I'd extend it to the Tomcat community to see their views / thoughts.

If we consider that there are 5 servers available, what is the best way to utilise them assuming that both Apache and Tomcat are used -

Option 1: all 5 servers run both Apache and Tomcat and requests are load-balanced across them.
  Pro: - avoids the ~50ms delay of sending over network
       - resource allocation is more dynamic

Option 2: 2 servers running Apache passing through to 3 running Tomcat.
  Pro: - enhanced security due to tiers

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