Well, i saw the ServletContextListener thingies.
Here is what i read about it, not quite the same, in servlet 2.4

SRV.10.3.2        Deployment Declarations
Listener classes are declared in the Web application deployment
descriptor using the
listener element. They are listed by class name in the order in which
they are to be
SRV.10.3.3        Listener Registration
The Web container creates an instance of each listener class and
registers it for event
notifications prior to the processing of the first request by the
application. The Web
container registers the listener instances according to the interfaces
they implement
and the order in which they appear in the deployment descriptor. During Web
application execution, listeners are invoked in the order of their

It is also stated there:
SRV.14.2.12    ServletContextListener
  public interface ServletContextListener extends
  All Superinterfaces: java.util.EventListener
  Implementations of this interface receive notifications about changes
to the serv-
  let context of the web application they are part of. To receive
notification events,
  the implementation class must be configured in the deployment
descriptor for the
  web application.
  Since: v 2.3
  See Also: ServletContextEvent

So, i agree you can create a ServletContextListener, but you must anyway
declare them in the web.xml. The container is not supposed to scan the .jar
and WEB-INF/classes for them, mainly because to know if a Class implement an
interface, you need to get the Class objet and so you run the static
code of the class.

Last but not least, using a Servlet has the additional advantage it can
be easily configured
if needed without ressorting to an additionnal config file in the classpath.

Robert Graf-Waczenski a écrit :

>Using the load-on-startup mechanism was the way to go with older
>servlet APIs. Nowadays, with servlet API 2.4, having a class
>implement the ServletContextListener interface is better in my eyes.
>Here you go:
>public class MyInitClass implements ServletContextListener
>       static {
>               // do your static stuff during class loading
>       }
>       public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event)
>       {
>               // do your init stuff
>       }
>       public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent event)
>       {
>               // do your destroy stuff
>               // e.g. cleanup static buffers etc.
>       }
>Tomcat automatically finds implementors of the ServletContextListener
>interface and calls their interface methods to notify them of
>their own context startup and their own context shutdown.
>So if you have several contexts and for each of them several such
>listener classes, tomcat calls the listener methods of the
>correct (i.e. those belonging to the context) classes when the
>context is started or shut down.
>Your web.xml can remain unchanged for this.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: David Delbecq [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 9:51 AM
>>To: Tomcat Users List
>>Subject: Re: classloader during tomcat startup
>>Creating an initialisation servlet for your webapp would be a
>>good way.
>>Create a servlet and map it in web.xml adding a
>><load-on-startup> element
>>with a non zero value. In the servlet init you can then setup all
>>classes you need.
>>For classloading hierarchy in tomcat, take a look at
>>Santosh Asbe a écrit :
>>> further to our discussion, can i specifically load a class
>>during startup?
>>>Is i possible in tomcat?
>>>Where is the clasloader hierachy and details placed??
>>>On 10/18/05, David Delbecq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>I don't know from the details of tomcat implementation, but
>>i'll response
>>>>using common sense and from my experience.
>>>>Tomcat loads all .jar descriptor at webapp startup so it
>>know which .jar
>>>>which class. But it does not load the .class binary content;
>>>>Each time a class is required, a Class is request to
>>classloader by jvm.
>>>>If this is first time classloader has to return the Class,
>>it initialize
>>>>So static block is run at first time class is requested.
>>>>This is common sense as it prevents initialising classes
>>you never use
>>>>in your library.
>>>>David Delbecq
>>>>Santosh Asbe a écrit :
>>>>>Hi all,
>>>>>I have couple of questions regarding tomcat startup
>>>>>1)when the tomcat is started , does it load all the jar
>>file from its lib
>>>>>and create a object of all the classes?
>>>>>2) if there is a static block in one of the classes , when will it
>>>>>execute..during startup or when first call is made
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