Embeding an ActiveX control in a page is independent of the server you are
running on, that's why you found no results.  The only thing I can think
of is you might need a MIME type mapping on the server so that when the
browser tries to retrieve the control it is sent back properly.  I'm not
sure about this.

Embedding an ActiveX control is conceptually like embedding an image...
the page is returned, the browser parses the HTML, sees the embedded
object, makes a new request to the server to retrieve the control (if it
isn't already present on the client) and finishes rendering the page with
the embedded control.  There's also a registration phase for a new
control, but now we're getting into details that don't apply to the
question you asked :)

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
Yahoo: fzammetti

On Fri, October 21, 2005 1:24 pm, Satyavrat A. Prabhune said:
> Hi,
> Does any Apache product support embedding ActiveX into HTML?  I searched
> for "activex" on apache site and it returned me zero results!
> Thanks,
> Satyavrat.
> ---------------------------------
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