>> Which version of mod_jk are you using?
>  1.2.14 Current Version


> What is errno 113 on your platform?
>  Linux Error :113 No route to host

Since that error number was shown in the log line, I assume that a system
call returned this error. Is it possible, that your network is unstable?

Maybe you should involve your network people. Also check stability of name
service, because you used a name and not an IP in workers.properties (that
should only be relevant when establishing new connections).

> Each tcp connection from apache to tomcat blocks a thread inside tomcats
>> jk connector thread pool, that exclusively services requests coming over
>> that connection. So what are your MPM settings inside apache httpd.conf,
>> your workers.properties settings and your ajp 13 connectors settings in
>> server.xml?

>  httpd.conf
>  ####################
> ####################

What's missing is information about your apache process/thread
configuration (that's what is meant with MPM). This info usually is
located close to the beginning of httpd.conf.

>  Workers.properties
>  worker.list=ajp13
> worker.ajp13.port=8009
> worker.ajp13.host=eofapps.usitc.gov
> worker.ajp13.type=ajp13

If you use apache 2 then you should also set


where NUMBER_OF_THREADS_PER_PROCESS is the number of threads per process
configured in your apache mpm (=1 for prefork, but usually much bigger
than one for worker)

You should also read documentation about the following possible attributes
(I include their default values):

- cache_timeout (0)
- socket_timeout (-1 = disabled)
- socket_buffer (8192)
- socket_keepalive (false)
- recycle_timeout (0)
- connect_timeout (0)
- reply_timeout (0)
- prepost_timeout (0)
- recovery_options (0)

>  server.xml
>   <!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->
> <Connector port="8009"
> enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" protocol="AJP/1.3" />

You should read documentation about attributes minSpareThreads,
maxSpareThreads and maxThreads and choose values according to your apache
mpm settings.

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