I'm using TC 5.5.12.

Please look at this snippet from the server.xml that is distributed
with TC:

 <!-- Define the default virtual host
       Note: XML Schema validation will not work with Xerces 2.2.
  <Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps"
   unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"
   xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false">

Can anyone tell me what the 'xmlValidation' attribute on <Host> is for? I realize it has something to do with "XML validation", but what XML is it referring to? Is it the corresponding web.xml? And how does the 'xmlNamespaceAware' attribute fit in?

And what's the comment about the Xerces 2.2 parser? I'm using Sun's JDK
1.5.0. Does it use Xerces internally?

When I set the 'xmlValidation' attribute to 'true' I get a big stack
trace. One would think it might be appropriate to offer a nice error
message describing the problem.

I've looked at the latest TC documentation for <Host> and it makes no
mention of the 'xmlValidation' attribute:

Can someone please explain these two attributes? My web.xml is getting
unwieldy and I'd like to start validating it.

Thanks very much.

Bob Bronson

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