
Yes, I was thinking that using rsync would still involve bulding/deploying
the war file. Here's the scenario I see:

1) Build war file, deploy to each Tomcat.
2) Developer makes changes to JSP during the day, then checks into CVS.
3) CVS can kick off a script that uses rsync/scp to update contexts on each
4) When things really change (e.g. servlet or other Java classes), you build
a new war file and re-deploy.

The CVS "loginfo" file allows you to specify a script to run when certain
things are checked in. The script can kick off the rsync/scp if a ".jsp"
file is checked in.

With our situation we just have two servers and only rarely change the JSP
files during the day. I just update the context for one Tomcat server,
switch over to the other and use rsync to get the changes.

Also, if you use the clustering/replication features of Tomcat 5.5.x there
is something called the "farm deployer" that might help deploy across
multiple Tomcat servers by doing a single deploy operation. Check the 5.5
doc on clustering.

Hope that's a bit clearer - Richard 

-----Original Message-----
From: Kurt Overberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 9:53 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: How to deploy when JSPs need to change regularly?


Thanks for the reply!  Regarding your idea of using rsync- does that still
involve building a .war file?  I'm pretty ignorant of how 'real sites' do
this, and of the whole deploy mechanism in general.  I mean, how do people
manage 100's of tomcats?  I'm trying to get my system to the point where I
can just deploy a new tomcat node to a new server without much hassle, and
manage from a central console.  I have thought about using rsync, but I
guess the thought of running things from a file structure (and not a war)
just feels...I dunno... 'amatuerish'.  Maybe I'm just paranoid.

My shell-fu is much better than my java-fu, so I can figure it out that way,
I guess I just assumed there's some big, complex apache project for managing
large numbers of tomcats remotely.

Thanks again!


Richard Mixon wrote:
> Kurt,
> Just using a ".war" file to deploy from should not keep you from 
> updating the JSP pages. We do occasional patches to our JSP pages in a 
> two-server cluster with no problem.
> However if you pre-compile the JSP pages before building the ".war" 
> file that could pose an issue.
> Using CVS as a replication utility to install modified JSP's to each 
> Tomcat's webapp directory is pretty innovative - but I wonder if it 
> does not also present some problems. For one, I've never seen a WAR 
> file build that has the entire CVS "checkout" directory structure in 
> it - i.e. the hardcoded "CVS" subdirectory and its associated files 
> that are placed in each directory of the checked-out CVS module. That 
> does not mean it will not work, it probably should. In fact if you are 
> going to do updates from CVS you would need to be sure those CVS
directories were in the ".war" file.
> It might be a good idea to use an rsync (on Linux/Unix ?) script or 
> something similar instead of CVS to replicate the updates.
> Hope this helps - Richard
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kurt Overberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 7:20 AM
> To: tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org
> Subject: How to deploy when JSPs need to change regularly?
> Hello All, I'm currently running mid-sized website (load balanced 
> across five servers).  Its a fairly large web application with a front 
> and a back-end.  In production, the application is sitting exploded in 
> a directory which tomcats point at.  It looks rather like a 
> development sandbox.  I do this because our web people need to modify 
> the content
> (JSPs) of the website on a fairly regular basis.  Right now, they can 
> just "cvs update" the webapp directory and things work great.
> However, this is a bit of a deployment nightmare.  Everytime I need to 
> push out a new version of the core servlets, I have to manually update 
> each and every sandbox on each server.  I would MUCH rather use a .war 
> file to deploy to each server and let tomcat deal with things (since 
> the website is really starting to grow).  Is there any way to deploy a 
> .war file and then let people modify the JSPs in it?  Complicating 
> things is that we use CVS for everything, and new JSPs make their way to
the site via a cvs update.
> Right now, it seems like everytime someone changed a JSP, I'd have to 
> re-deploy the entire thing, when really its just a few JSPs that have 
> changed.  The web guys update the site an average of 10-20 times per day.
> Any suggestions?  Seems like this would be a pretty common problem, 
> but I've found nothing on google, et al.  Do I have to move to some 
> sort of content management system, where the servlets and JSPs remain 
> static and the data comes from a DB?
> Thanks for any help or suggestions!
> /kurt
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