Maurice Yarrow wrote:

> I was able to successfully use a filter to map to another servlet
> in my web app.  However, I  was not able to map to tomcat's
> DefaultServlet.
> I tried a <filter-mapping> to <servlet-name> of "default" and
> also, as the below shows, to a <servlet-name> with the fully
> qualified classname for the tomcat DefaultServlet.
> Neither worked.

The configuration below works for me ( TC 5.5.9/JDK1.5.0 ), with
or without an additional <url-pattern> mapping. So "default" is a
valid <servlet-name>; not sure what else might cause your filter
to fail.

<filter>                   <!-- print "oink" to stdout :-)  -->

Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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