Bill Barker wrote:

Currently mod_jk doesn't support unix sockets (ditto for mod_proxy_ajp :). To use unix sockets currently, you must use (the currently unsupported) mod_jk2.

However, there is some intial support for them in the new APR Connector. It's not complete (and so not usable :), but it's possible that some future version of mod_jk/Tomcat will support this.

I'm sad to hear that. The story of mod_jk/mod_jk2 succession was that all nifty features of mod_jk2 will be ported to mod_jk.

I must say I have UNIX socket on mod_jk2 in a Mandrake 9.1 Linux Apache 2.0, TC 4.1.24 and it is working without a glitch. I haven't stress tested it, though.

Can anyone comment on the need for a UNIX socket?

The basic idea was that UNIX socket is faster, but with the advance of kernels, is net socket communication that burdening? OK, on a busy server, it could profitable to lay off as much traffic off the network stack, as possible. Can someone give insight?

Currently, I have mod_jk2 in a good working condition and I have access to both mod_jk2 and mod_jk. I'm not about to switch to mod_jk, just for switching's sake. On the other hand, I'm not going to stick to obsoleted softrware, either. So, I'm waiting (patiently) for expert opinion.


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