
Not at all no. I did find that another way around it was to pull out
log4j.properties from the webapp's classes folder and into WEB-INF and
then to use a custom context listener to use BasicConfigurator to load
the properties config yourself. And make sure the context listener is
the first to be declared in web.xml

Perhaps we're both dreaming :)

Cheers, Allistair.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 14 November 2005 16:09
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Log4j issues upgrading from 5.5.9 to 5.5.12

Well, great <cry>. Thanks for confirming I'm not crazy.  Were you able
to find anything in the changelog between 5.5.9 and .12 that would have
caused this?  I have not had any luck yet.


-----Original Message-----
From: Allistair Crossley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Posted At: Monday, November 14, 2005 7:50 AM Posted To: Tomcat Dev
Conversation: Log4j issues upgrading from 5.5.9 to 5.5.12
Subject: RE: Log4j issues upgrading from 5.5.9 to 5.5.12


Yes, I've had a similar problem in that with 5.5.12 various
framework-related APIs such Spring and OSCache which *were* configured
a WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties config in 5.5.9 and less no longer

I kind of linked the problem to the fact that these APIs had related
ContextListeners in action, and so the logging configuration needed to
available at the time the webapp was started by Tomcat.

To fix it, I had to create a separate log4j.properties in common/classes
like yourself which is not ideal from my POV.

I reported this to the list and to BugZilla, but it was dismissed as
my imagination by Remy.

Cheers, Allistair

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 14 November 2005 15:36
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: Log4j issues upgrading from 5.5.9 to 5.5.12

REPOST: Just wondering if anyone else has seen this issue.

After upgrading from 5.5.9 to 5.5.12, all the same log4j.properties
files, I
now have some web-app level classes that I can not catch in my web-app
logger.  I ended up having to put loggers in my
common/classes/log4j.properties file to deal with them.
Again, this worked normally in 5.5.9 with the same configuration.

One example, handling OSCache log entries..
log4j.logger.org.jgroups=INFO, CACHE
log4j.logger.com.opensymphony=WARN, CACHE

The Jars for JGroups and OSCache are both in my web-app's lib folder,
not in
But I'm forced to create loggers in common/lib to catch the log entries.
My webapp level loggers do not see any log entries from the above

Anyone else have a similar issue and find a fix?


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