OK it was something easy as I thought but overlooked. Had to type in http:// 
when using IE in order to get it to load. :-)

Rick LOpez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Had done all the basic checks with no 
problems found. Tried changing the port to 80 in the server.xml file but I then 
couldn't access the home page from the server either so changed it back to 
8080. On further testing found that I could use Firefox or Netscape browsers 
from the same WIndows PC's and could access the Tomcat pages successfully. XP 
firewall isn't enabled. Looking at IE settings now but changing security 
settings hasn't had any affects so far.


Hassan Schroeder wrote:
Rick LOpez wrote:

> I have installed Tomcat 5.5.12 on a Redhat Enterprise server 3 server
> and I can view the default Tomcat home page, manager and admin at port
> 8080 when I view it from my server. The problem is I can't access this
> from any Windows PC's on the local network. However I can access the
> pages from other Linux or Apple PC's on the same network but no Windows
> PC's. 

So obviously not a Tomcat problem :-)

Have you done any basic network connectivity checks? Run ping, telnet,
telnet-to-server-port-8080 from a Windows box? Looked at the access
log on the server to see if any requests are showing up? Run Ethereal
or snoop or comparable to watch the network traffic?

Your Windows boxes probably have some sort of firewall in place that
intercepts requests to "non-standard" ports, like 8080; perhaps the
firewall software generates a log of rejected requests? Or maybe you
could just change the Connector to port 80 and see if that changes
the symptom...

FWIW, and good luck,
Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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