
You mention Eclipse.  Are you using a version of WebTools?
Assuming you are, be aware that the launch configuration
created for Tomcat v5.5.x is missing the JVM argument:


that you would normally get from Tomcat 5.5's startup batch
scripts.  Adding this argument manually would likely make the
logging reappear.  HTH.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Graham Leggett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:15 AM
> To:
> Subject: Tomcat 5.5 and Logging - any plain english 
> instructions anywhere?
> Hi all,
> I am in the process of trying to build a Struts project from 
> scratch, and from the browser perspective it doesn't work, 
> giving the vague error "Servlet action is not available".
> No worries, I look for catalina.out and/or the 
> localhost_log*, or as a last resort the output of tomcat as 
> shown in Eclipse for a backtrace that might yield a clue - 
> and I get nothing.
> So I look for the logging docs for Tomcat. Having read 
> through it a few times, I have figured out that catalina.out 
> and localhost_log* are gone, to be replaced with... what?
> The docs at
> describe a complex logging infrastructure, with a myriad of 
> options, levels, choices and structures which to me are 
> completely incomprehensible.
> All I need is the switch to "turn it on".
> Does anyone have a document of some kind that explains how to 
> coax logging out of tomcat 5.5? I don't care about the 1000 
> things I can do, but rather the 1 thing I should do to get 
> the backtrace that might reveal what "Servlet action is not 
> available" means. A Howto in other words.
> Does anybody have such a document anywhere? I could find 
> nothing in the FAQ.
> Regards,
> Graham
> --

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