fre, 28,.10.2005 kl. 10.49 -0400, skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> Hi,
> We're using mod_jk on Apache as a load-balancer for multiple tomcats.
> We're using Laszlo, so the app is serving up Flash pages.
> On 2003 Server, everything works great.  However, installing on XP SP2
> (haven't tested others) no pages are served up.
> Is this a known bug?  Is there a workaround?

This is kind of a long shot, but here it goes.

We have had some odd flash troubles, but none of them originated from
the server-configuration, but from the request configuration. 

How is your Apache setup, do you use https through Apache, and when you
test through the Tomcats directly you use plain http?

If the flash-resource has an Expires setting (in http-headers) of 0 we
thought that the files was forced to be fetched each time from the
server. IE doesn't work that way when using flash, as it looks like the
flash plugin tries to fetch the swf file from the browser cache, where
it has already expired. This happens only over https.

When we set the Expires header to 8 seconds or so, it worked.

Maybe this setting is changed during your "upgrade" to SP2? 

Also, when you try to show your flash files, are they embedded in html?

Do your flash perform any kind of callbacks to the servers, for loading
additional resources? If they try to access the tomcats directly, this
might work if the tomcats are accessible, maybe the new setup has made
the tomcats inaccessible for direct requests?

Another flash problem we encountered in IE was that if the html to embed
the flash pointed to the plugin-page at macromedia using a http url in a
https setting, IE would complain about insecure elements, or not show
the flash.

All these may be reasons for flash not showing, but not directly caused
by  SP2. 

One guess could be that a firewall issue is preventing clients from
accessing tomcats directly, and the upgrade turned this firewall on, and
that flash tries to do callbacks to the tomcats?

Well, enough guesses for now, hope this helps in some way.

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