Sorry, Nix. I personally know about it, but I was asking the original poster of this question what his JAVA_HOME is. I know that in Mac OS X, when you install Java 1.5, the binaries are installed in a separate location than Java 1.4. Someone mentioned that the Java version might be wrong, and someone else said something about a symbolic link-- All that should be fixed if JAVA_HOME is declared correctly...

Thanks and good luck,


On Nov 21, 2005, at 9:33 AM, Nikola Milutinovic wrote:

Anthony Carlos wrote:

Just out of curiosity, what is JAVA_HOME?

JAVA_HOME is an environment variable, that should contain the path to the installed JDK or JRE. Since you're using TC 5.5, you can point JAVA_HOME to a JRE (5.5 comes with Eclipse Java Compiler). Older versions had to have a JDK (to compile JSP into Servlet classes).

In UNIX, lookup your shell startup scripts (.profile, .login, .zprofile,...) and in Windows, right-click My Computer and choose "Properties", "Advanced".


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