> On 11/22/05, Kyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If you set which ever server.xml parameter it is that auto-reloads an
> > application (I think it's reloadable="true", or something like that) and
> > just have your users recompile their entire app each time and then ftp
> > it into the relevant directory, tomcat should automatically reload each
> > app for them without anyone needing manager access.

On Tue, Nov 22, 2005 at 01:17:56PM +0100, Alex Moreno wrote:
> The problem is that some partners has said me that this is insecure and
> should only be used on beta application servers. At least this is what the
> department says us to deny this petition.

        what?  They say ftp is insecure?  Well horray for inept admins who don't
know how to configure their system.  Or are they claming that reloadable is
        uh, so if you can't use the manager, and you can't put files where
tomcat can get at them, how DO you install a webapp?

> > >The problem is that the department don?t want to give us manager access
> > for
> > >all the applications. I?ve been looking for the way of giving manager
> > access
> > >to only one or two application, depending on the user.

        What you probably want is different instances of tomcat for each user.
Otherwise it is trivial for one person's webabb to bring down everyone
elses.  e.g. sometimes all it takes is re-installing the webapp enough
times until tomcat runs out of memory.


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