To make it more clear of what I try to do here is the complete method in which I try to read a file.

    private void list() throws Exception {
        XMLReader parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(
        parser.setContentHandler(new PeopleHandler());

This parse method want an InputSource. Sorry Wendy it didn't work.
I tried filling in a fully qualified URI. It completely stops tomcat from starting.
The URI is to a file in the webapp which is trying to start.

And see there we have a chicken and egg problem.
The web app needs the file to start.
The file is not there if there is no web app.

On Nov 27, 2005, at 11:06 PM, Wendy Smoak wrote:

On 11/27/05, Werner van Mook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In my class which implements ServletContextListener I try to read a
  it looks like :

When I start tomcat 5.5.12 I get a FileNotFound Exception on the
friends.xml file.

The file is in the root of my web-app.
I also tried "/friends.xml" but alas it did not work.

Try using ServletContext's getResourceAsStream() method to find the
file, assuming that you have a 'parse' method that will take an


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