Mieke Banderas said:

>I'd like to know
>where/how exactly Java threads are started/killed on Hotspot in OS X.
>Doesn't java threads mainly intercommunicate within the JVM? Context
>Is it really a completely dead end that minimizing the OS threading in
>Mac OS X and keeping threads within JVM could improve performance?

It would seem so, as I now learnt that The HotSpot JVM uses native
threads. The only possible escape then would be to use another JVM that
doesn't on OS X. But I'm not sure how advisable that is. Anyone uses
alternative JVMs on OS X out there?

I downloaded "AppPerfect Test Studio" <http://www.appperfect.com/
products/devsuite/jp.html> to see if I can build a test case and test my
current server and perhaps make comparisons with some of the suggested
Java DBs later. AppPerfect support was very helpful suggesting test
methods. Anyone out there testing their webapplications with this product?

I wonder how much faster Linux could run on my G3 server hardware. I
would have lots of work replacing all the built in services in Mac OS X
Server to give me all that control also in Linux, buy maybe I have to.
I'm a bit cashstrapped for new hardware, so I need to get as much
performance I can. Or perhaps I should try to get a PC just for the DBs.

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