I have tried some different configuraitons but neither of them worked....

I understand a tricky diffrence of the error mesaages that I have given from tomcat ..

the first one is

exception :
javax.servlet.servletexception : Error *instantiating servlet class*
//The Correct one (I belive the correct mapping and tomcat fins it ..)....
root couse :
java.lang*.noclassdeffounderrror* : *while resolving class* : manager.lol

and the other one is :
exception :
javax.servlet.servletexception . Wrapper can not find class abc.manager.lol
//There is no possiblity of finding that class becouse itint exist (abc.manager.lol)
root couse:
java.lang.*ClassNotfoundException *: Class not found

as far as I understood tomcat can find the class (the first one), however cant really accept the class and use it...

Richard Mixon wrote:


The snipped from your web.xml does not prove anything. You need to carefully
compre the web.xml entries versus the actual filename of the class file and
to any references to the servlet from a JSP/HTML page.

And you also need to make sure the CRLF line endings are properly adjusted.

When you have done that, report back and maybe we can help some more.

- Richard

-----Original Message-----
From: Aydın Toprak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 8:29 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Deploying Servlet Project from Windows to Fedora

but The system works fine under Windows ... I mean as an example ...
this is my servlet name : LoginManagerServletV2.java and the the web.xml lines for this servlet :

       <display-name>Login ManagerV2</display-name>
       <description>Manager for the manager action</description>

       <url-pattern>/login</url-pattern>  </servlet-mapping>

this tricky definiton of servlet runs fine under XP ... how ever the same lines are not enough for to tell the linux-tomcat couple to find & use it ...

And there is another point that comes in my mind at the moment...

The windows platform is 32 bit ... and of course the J2EE and Jre are both 32bit...
but the server side, Fedora is 64 bit... also the JRE ...

dose it make a problem ... ?

Richard Mixon wrote:


I do not have reference for any such documentation. However
in the past
I have been bit badly a number of times trying to move a web application from Windows to Linux. The other way around
works much more reliable.
The two issues that resolved my problem always ended up being:

1) Case sensitivity of file names. Windows will treat
"/myApp" the same
as "/myapp" the same - so if you have been inconsistent in how you referred to a file/path name this could be an issue with a
"servlet not found" problem.
2) Line endings of text files - in SOME situations.
Sometimes it does
not seem to matter, but to be sure I would recomment either
running the
"dos2unix" utility against all of your text files (XML, JSP,
HTML, etc)
or you can use the equivalent Ant task in your build
process, something like:
      <fixcrlf srcdir="src-gen/web/WEB-INF/classes"

Hope this helps -Richard

-----Original Message-----
From: Aydın Toprak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 7:48 AM
To: users@tomcat.apache.org
Subject: Deploying Servlet Project from Windows to Fedora


I have developed web based project that covers many
servlets and uses
Postgresql dataBase, on ;Windows platform...
But I want to deploy the software to the Linux (Fedora Core
4 64) ..
However I havent been able to deploy the compleate project
under the linux enviroment..

Tomcat cant find my servlets and so do nothing...
Should I modify the web.xml file of my own .. or do something different ? ..

I am looking for some clear descriptions or an accurate
to do it...


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