"Chris Lear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>* Jess Holle wrote (02/12/05 13:53):
>> I have some vague recollection that performance of mod_proxy_ajp tested
>> just /slightly /better than mod_jk.
> But where is the information on this?

You can search the [EMAIL PROTECTED] archives (where I vaguely remember this), 
I haven't seen any recent benchmark data on either the [EMAIL PROTECTED] or the 

> I joined this list a few days ago after Googling like crazy for
> information on the most sensible and supported way to connect apache to
> tomcat (or whether to drop it and just use the http connector). In the
> end, I'm using mod_jk, because I couldn't find *anything* helpful on the
> web about configuring or using mod_proxy_ajp, apart from some
> theoretical examples that tended to be incompatibile with one another.

It's integrated into mod_proxy, so you use the same directives that you 
would use for mod_proxy.  e.g.

# Forward all to myapp
ProxyPass /myapp ajp://localhost:8009/myapp

# Alt Forward all to myapp
<Location /myapp>
ProxyPass ajp://localhost:8009/myapp

# Forward all JSP files
RewriteRule (.*)\.jsp$ ajp://localhost:8009/$1.jsp [P]

> The only thing people seem to agree on is that mod_jk2 is no use, though
> that had the option of unix sockets, which I would have thought would be
> a good thing.
> I might revert to using the http connector. The reasons for not doing
> this are: 1) I want apache to do SSL, 2) I don't want to run tomcat as
> root, and using local port forwarding is a hassle, and 3) there's a bit
> more flexibility in the apache route.
> Chris
>> Tim Funk wrote:
>>> Performance (IIRC while reading on the mailing lists) is about the
>>> same. mod_proxy_ajp should be easier to configure and install since it
>>> comes bundled with apache and it should be much easier to install than
>>> jk.
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