Hi Martin.
Thanks for interest!.

I have tomcat 5.5.7 not running as service (I have it at work and now
I'm at home) and I don't have /logs/stderr.log (??).
Stdout is my MS-DOS windows and I don't think that's important.
I have a preprocessor that just checks if
request.getSession(false)==null or isnew() to redirect to the
expired-session page. So I don't get anything strange as everything go
as session was expired.
On linux (tomcat 5.5.12) I have  in logs folder the following:
catalina.out (I think it is stdout.log) localhost.<date>.log, 
manager.<date>.log, catalina.<date>.log, admin.<date>.log,
I think you need localhost.<date>.log. I don't see stderr.log
I can produce error on linux just tomorrow at work 'cause I have DB on
windows partition.
On tomcat on windows I don't know why I don't have stderr.log
My Tomcat-home/logs is empty. What have I to set to have it?
What should I look for in stderr.log??

Thanks a lot!

On 12/2/05, Martin Gainty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Allesandro
> can you attach the
> stderr_20051202.log
> stdout_20051202.log
> Ciao
> Martin-
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Alessandro Colantoni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <users@tomcat.apache.org>
> Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 5:47 AM
> Subject: Session crash problem. Please help!
> Hi All
> I configured on conf/web.xml session timeout on 180 minutes and on my
> web.xml too.
> I have the following context.xml
> <Context  path="/trayectorias" docBase="trayectorias"
> relodable="false" crossContext="false" privileged="true" debug="99">
>        <Manager className="org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager"
>            debug="0"
>            checkInterval="60"
> entropy="asdfghjklASDFGHJKLwefgbnmASDFGHJKLwedfgbhnxcvfghjukifgbhn"
>            maxActiveSessions="-1"
>            pathname =""
>            maxInactiveInterval="-1">
>        </Manager>
>        <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm"
>             debug="99"
> pathname="webapps/trayectorias/WEB-INF/classes/resources/trayectorias-users.xml"/>
> </Context>
> session crash very often.
> it crashes while working too, without leaving any inactivity as well
> I tried with tomcat 4.1, 5.5.5, 5.5.7,5.5.12 on windows  xp and  on linux
> I tried with session.PersistentManager too.
> I'm working with struts and problem deals when I deal with a big
> object in session
> I though it was an heap size problem.
> I allocated 500m to the heap and I noticed it crashed when tomcat had 400M
> free.
> Session get destroyed without any apparent reason so user is just trowed out
> I've been dealing with this for 2 months, and it looks as just me I
> have this problem.
> So probably I'm doing some stupid thing, but I can't get it
> Please help
> Thanks for attention
>                                  Alessandro!
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