I couldn't tell if there's any change since I don't know. Actually, you didn't tell if you're really making JSP or servlet. And you've just mentioned that you're using taglibrary. Maybe take a look at the tag library first to see if you've wrongly used something. Re-read the documentation could sometimes help.

Vijay Babu wrote:


Thanks for your suggestions. But unfortunately none of them worked.

Actually the application sets the  Locale based on browser settings.  So the
response encoding is set to the appropriate Locate that is set in the
browser  with Tomcat 4. But its always set to  ISO-8859-1 with Tomcat 5 and
thats why ???? are displayed.

Is there anything that has changed with respect to usage of 18n taglibrary
with Tomcat 5?


On 12/6/05, Seak, Teng-Fong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
   IMO, it's quite possible that your webapp were relying on bugs in
previous version.  So, you have to make sure you're jsp pages are
following standards.  The obvious reasons that I could think of are the
followings tags not being used correctly:

1. <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=utf-8" %>
This tag specifies in which encoding your _resultant_ webpage is using.
It's in UTF-8 in my example.

2. <%@ page pageEncoding="iso-8859-1" %>
This tag specifies in which encoding your _original_ jsp file is saved.
It's in ISO-8859-1 in my example.  If your editor can't save in other
encodings than your system's, I would expect that you're using the same
encoding here.

3. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
This tag, which is within HTML <head> tag specifies once more to the
browser in which encoding it should use to render the page.  Its
encoding HAS to be the same as that specified in no 1 (UTF-1 in my
example).  Some might argue that this is not necessary, but the fact is
that there're still browsers out there not capable of parsing encoding
info in HTTP header.



Vijay Babu wrote:

Hi all,

I am facing a problem with i18n using Tomcat 5.5.9.  I have an
which has been internationalized for a couple of  languages and is
fine with Tomcat 4.1.x. But the same application when deployed in Tomcat
5.5.9 does not work. When a jsp page having some text is accessed, its
displaying "??????" marks instead of the locale specific text.  I could
figure out whats causing this problem. Does any one have  idea of what
could be the problem or  is there any configuration change that needs to
done in Tomcat 5.

Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.


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