> From: John Maine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: Problem with Context configuration!
> Exploded my WAR in ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/jetspeed. Copied the
> jetspeed.xml configuration file to
> ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/Catalina/localhost/
> Jetspeed.xml

Is it jetspeed.xml or Jetspeed.xml?  Case matters.

> <context path="/" docBase="jetspeed" debug="0" reloadable="true"
> crossContext="true">

This should be <Context ...> not <context ...>.  Again, case matters.

The path attribute must not be used, except when the <Context> tag is in
server.xml, which is strongly discouraged these days.  See:

If you want a particular webapp to be the default webapp, it must be
named ROOT.  You can do this by either replacing the existing
webapps/ROOT directory with your app (or ROOT.war), or placing your
<Context> tag in the file ROOT.xml in conf/Catalina/<host_name> (usually
localhost) and deleting the existing webapps/ROOT directory.  If using
the last method, you probably want docBase to point somewere other than
Tomcat's webapps directory, since you run the risk of deploying your app
multiple times otherwise.

 - Chuck

P.S. Don't post the same question multiple times, please.

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