  Have you tried the following? I placed arrows pointing to my suggestions.
  debug="99" driverName="org.postgresql.Driver"
userTable="users" userNameCol="login"
userCredCol="password" userRoleTable="roles"            <---  
roleNameCol="rolename" />                                         <---

  - andy

  Hi andy!

As in the HOW-TO described you need two tables, one
table 'users' that holds the username and the password,
and one table that holds the username and the roles
the user is given (it is a mapping from users to roles).
My database has also two tables, but the first table holds
username, password AND roles, and the second table only is
a collection of role names, assigned with an id. So
my tables look like this:

table users

username(login) | password | roleid
peter | secret | 0
andy | terces | 1

table roles

id | rolename
0 | admin
1 | someuser

I tried several combinations of tables/columnnames in my
realm config, but none worked.



-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: andy gordon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2005 12:51
An: Tomcat Users List
Betreff: Re: Question configurung JBDCRealm (Tomcat 5.5.9)


If I understand what you described, it looks like your database is ok but
your specification to tomcat is ever so slightly off. Change your server.xml
in a way so that the role elements reference the role table and not users


- andy

Hi all!

I have got a question regarding setup of a JBDCRealm. I read the HOW-TO
on Tomcat homepage, and I am wondering about the database structure.
I have an existing application, and the database it uses has got a table
with the follwing columns: login, password, roleid,... where the roleid is a
foreign key to the table 'roles' which has columns 'id' and 'rolename'.
It is sufficient for me because every user can only have one role. Is there
a way to use this database structure with JDBCRealm? Or do I have to
add more tables as described in the HOW-TO? My database structure
already contains all information, so it would be overhead to produce an
extra table, I think. I tried the following:

debug="99" driverName="org.postgresql.Driver"
userTable="users" userNameCol="login"
userCredCol="password" userRoleTable="users"
roleNameCol="roleid" />

but I got problems on roleNameCol="roleid". How can I get the rolename
from table roles?

Perhaps I missed something, and someone has an idea.



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