Hi Everyone,

I am using manager-deployer to deploy my application war into webapps. Now,
when i am keeping my JDBC context details in server.xml (for a permanent
entry), my ant build file fails to deploy the war with error as "application
alreay exists at context path".

Hence, i kep my JDBC context details in conf/Catalina/localhost/context.xml
file. But, while deploying, my manager-deployer process discards out this
file resulting in no JDBC context details provided.

Lastly, i planned to use META-INF/context.xml for JDBC details in my
application war itself. But in this case, Tomcat is not picking up the
things from there.

Kindly suggest some solution for defining context for JDBC details that can
be used successfully by manager-deployer.

I am struggling for this issue from very long time and have queried for some
ideas in Tomcat-User List manier times. But so far, no luck. If anyone comes
up with even a little hint, would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,

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