"Mike Korcynski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>I have Tomcat and Apache HTTP server running on the same machine.  I
> have a key and certificate for the HTTP server set up and working
> properly.  I have an application running in tomcat, I want to make the
> application available directly via Tomcat using SSL and use the same
> cert I'm already using for the HTTP server.  The hostname is the same so
> I would think I should be able to do this but I'm having all sorts of
> trouble.  For this particular application I can't proxy through HTTP
> over the loopback.
> The problem seems to be if I import the cert into the java keystore, it
> doesn't complain but I get a message in the browser that says:
> "Firefox and yourserver.com cannot communicate securely because they
> have no common encryption algorithm."
> I'm guessing I need to also import the private key into the keystore
> somehow but I can not find any info on how to import an existing private
> key into an empty keystore, has anyone successfully done this?  Can you
> provide me with the steps I'd need to follow to do it?

I find the easiest it to import the Apache cert and key into a PKCS12 
keystore (as documented at 
http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/ssl-howto.html).  An alternative 
approach is at http://www.comu.de/docs/tomcat_ssl.htm.

Of course, if you are using the APR Connector, then your private key and 
cert are already in the correct format, but you need to configure Tomcat via 

> Thanks for your help,
> Mike 

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