You got the right idea.

Now just place the bean  into  your "<mywabapps>/WEF-INF/classes/com/mybean"
directory and you should be fine.

Just to be safe make sure you JSP page recompiles.

marju jalloh wrote:

I don`t know what is going wrong
I place my compiled bean in <mywabapps>/WEF-INF/classes/com
 and my jsp file in <mywebapps> and my path is
 <jsp:useBean id="stringBean" class="com.mybean" />
when access I got two error 1. javax.servlet.ServletException: com/mybean (wrong name: mybean 2. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/mybean (wrong name: mybean) can someone help
Fredrik Rubensson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hi,

Where to place the jsp file?

It can be in any directory under you webapp. Typically you place it in
the root directory of your app. So if your app is called "mygoodapp" the
jsp can be placed in /webapps/mygoodapp/ or any
subdirectory. If it is called jsppage.jsp you can access it with
http://localhost:8080/mygoodapp/jsppage.jsp assuming that you have a
default installation of tomcat.

Fredrik Rubensson

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