Hello again, sorry for my late answer to this thread.

I desided to forward the JDOM-Object via tge servelt-context.
This solution wrote me Frode Halvorsen of the jdom-interest mailling list.

He wrote:


Why don't you put it as an attribute to the servletcontext. Since both
revlets runs in the same container, they both have access to the same
servlet-context, and can exchange objects there ?

the sending one :
Document o = new Document();

the recieving one :

Document o = (Document) this.getServletContext().getAttribute("jdom_object);

Frode Halvorsen

My only question now is, after I wrote this object, somewhere any servelt on that container can access on to it, how I can call the other servlet to start and process? With an URL?

Gruss Christian

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