--- "Duan, Nick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, when I was mentioning the term user session, I
> was discussing from
> a threading/transaction perspective, not from the
> servlet object
> perspective.  It is the worker thread that
> represents a active user
> session and accesses both the session and the
> servlet object (if we want
> to be precise).
> Chuck was right.  It is possible to have one client
> (single browser) to
> start two concurrent sessions at the same time, both
> eligible to access
> the same HttpSession object.  Therefore, it looks
> like synchronization
> is necessary from the spec.  However, the spec does
> not define how
> HttpSession should be implemented (it's just an
> interface).  In fact,
> the session attributes were implemented as a
> Hashtable in tomcat, not a
> Hashmap (just double checked the latest 5.5.15 src
> of tomcat).  As we
> all know, Hashtable already has thread sync built
> in.  So that's why
> additional synchronization on HttpSession in tomcat
> is unnecessary.
> ND 
I don't know about 5.5.15, but 5.5.9 used HashMap. 
The synchronization of the session object was an issue
which caused other issues and is why there should now
be synchronization on the reading as well as writing
session attributes.  There was a  huge discussion on
this on the list as well as a bug associated with it
which could cause finite dead locks in Tomcat if
access made the session resize while it were being
read (should be able to find it in bugzilla...bugzilla
was still being used).  Session has to be synchronized
anyways, so regardless of misintrepretation/correct
interpretation of the specification arguments it would
make sense for these calls to be synchronized by what
ever server is implementing the specification.  I'm
saying: If all developers have to synchronize access
to all session access then would it not make sense for
things to be synchronized as they currently are...at
the server level?  All scopes which would need
synchronization should really be handled at the server
level (application and session).

The tomcat source code should be synchronizing these
things now.  At the time it wasn't talked about, but
the application level scope was not being synchronized
when I looked through the source code when the
synchronization bug mentioned above was being
discussed.  I don't know if this has changed or not (I
was hoping ... considering the needless long overly
exhaustive discussion that had to occur to get an
obvious bug changed back to the correct behaviour...it
was once synchronized correctly before it was
broken....that the other pieces would be seen and
fixed as well as they would cause the same dead lock
behaviour as session access could depending on what
happened when the application scope was accessed does
a read occur when a write occurs or a write at certain
points in the resize.).  Just to clarify now before a
discussion starts again on this topic: It matters
these things are taken care of at the server level in
one place or another as JSP/EL are hard to synchronize
without breaking their use case (not to use java code
within them).  I mean, if someone knows how to
synchronize access to the session or application
scopes (use that term to represent accessing the
session from all other places and tags it can be
accessed) when using EL or setting/getting a bean in a
JSP without a specialized tag library or wrapping in
java code then please share, but I think I'm asking an
unanswerable quesiton ;-)

I wouldn't imagine that the source code is using
Hashtable as Hashtable does not allow null values, and
would have changed the currently used session access. 
Were you looking at the file:
in your source?


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