The first thing a servlet (or filter) should do is set the encoding before touching the request parameters. Its not intended to be called somewhere late in the processing lifecycle. Since a Valve executes before any javax.servlet code - all bets are off (for the request encoding) based on the warning messages in the Valve.

For GET requests, reparsing might work when a new encoding is requested. But for POST requests - doing so would require saving the entire POST body somewhere. This can easily cause a memory based DOS attack.


Oded Arbel wrote:

Then why is it at all possible to set the encoding ? it should not be needed and there for should not be possible. The fact that such a call exists suggests to me that calling it repeatedly would have some effect (granted - it will slow the performance, but that is as expected) - I would prefer the request implementation reparse everything when I supply new character set information - taking it sweet time to do it (I'm probably only going to do this once per request) - rather then just ignore me.

The fact is, if you get at the request too late in the process, where the character set has already been set (wrongly), theres nothing you can do to rescue the data, and many times I've had that problem.

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