> Can you please send me the txt of the registry file? I will check it
> and
> make sure there is nothing that I have not already done.
> Tom

I sent this in private, but I decided to post it back to the list just
in case it is useful to someone else:


I'm pasting the contents of the file here so they don't get stripped out
by a mail server somewhere along the way.  All you have to do is create
a new .reg file somewhere and copy/paste the contents within.

You'll need to change some settings, obviously.  My web stuff is all
rooted on a W: drive and the paths will be different from yours.  Also,
note that the slashes are reversed (and escaped).  Finally, note the
value for "extension_uri".  That is the URL that the connector is
answering on to make redirects work.  That value "/jakarta/" is the name
of the virtual folder you created for each application that uses the

I hope this helps.  Trust me, I've done battle with that connector
before, and it's not fun.

By the way, you have the little green up arrow for the filter, right?

---------Begin mod_jk_isapi.reg-------------
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi
"log_file"="W:\\Tomcat Connectors\\jk1.log"
"worker_file"="W:\\Tomcat Connectors\\workers.properties"
"worker_mount_file"="W:\\Tomcat Connectors\\uriworkermap.properties"
----------End mod_jk_isapi.reg--------------

Hope this helps.


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