Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Ken Johanson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Unable to override doPut(), etc, from Tomcat's JSPServlet (response 403)

Perhaps tomcat 5 outright prohibits PUT and other methods from even getting to _jspService (or JspServlet in general)??

There's a comment in the web.xml settings for the default servlet:

<!-- readonly  Is this context "read only", so HTTP -->
<!--           commands like PUT and DELETE are     -->
<!--           rejected?  [true]                    -->

Is there any possibility that you're actually getting into the default
servlet rather than your own?

 - Chuck

I spoke a little bit to soon in my confirmation that changing this config did work... it only *sort-of* works...

I do now get a 20x response back, *and* my AccessLogValve is also showing the same - a 20x PUT having been received..

BUT, the request never actually gets to the _jspService method. I can add log() statements with all kinds of debug data (request.getMethod(), etc), but *only* GETs/POSTs ever make it into that log... PUT seems to be on a banned list.. (unlike tomcat 4 where I could definitely get this to work.)

I did check the logs, no problem is being reported.. so the request seems to be being silently dropped. I can't even detect non-GET/PUT methods to RequestDispatch them to some servlet (which I'm sure would handle a doPut without restriction)...

The problem I'm having is that I cant expect 3rd party apps to send their PUT/DELETE (MKCOL, etc) to some predefined servlet-mapped URL... I instead am looking for a way that make the URL being modified, abstract/independent of any URL-mapped servlet (i.e an app should be able send a PUT to the same URI as a GET would be sent (and resources declared in that JSP would authorize the PUT request)). That was something I could do with tc4.. Do I need to use Filters now to do this? I'd prefer to do it my 'old way' :-)


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