Joe Reger, Jr. wrote:
> Hi!  I've been getting a bind error lately on Windows XP development
> instances using Tomcat 5.5.12.  It looks like the web connector is
> trying to bind to port 730048 but I have it set to port 8080 in
> server.xml.  I've searched my config files and don't see 730048
> anywhere.

This is not a port number. It's an error number.

> On one of the dev boxes I have two services defined... one works fine
> and one generates the bind error... I have them configured to bind to
> separate ports.  Not sure if this is related.  The other machines
> where I'm seeing it are default installs.

When you run two Tomcat instances, *all* the ports one instance binds to must 
be different from *all* the ports the other uses. That includes not only the 
port the http Connector binds to but also the shutdown port, https port, ajp 
port and whatever ports in whatever Connectors you may have defined.
And, of course, there can be another application running on the machine that 
has one of those ports already in use.
Use netstat or something similar to find out which application uses which 


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